Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Andrew Robson Special Deciduous Bonsai Workshop Program

Andrew Robson, who is founding a bonsai school, garden, and nursery in Portland, Oregon named RAKUYO (a Japanese word that translates to “deciduous, fallen leaves”) is coming to Baton Rouge to do a bonsai program, Sept. 4, 6:30 pm, at the Baton Rouge Garden Center, 7950 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge.  His website is https://www.rakuyobonsai.com/

This will be a special deciduous bonsai lecture/demo/workshop with discussion.  As always, the program is to help everyone improve their bonsai collection and learn new bonsai techniques.  The participants will bring one or more of their deciduous bonsai to be discussed and worked on in a lecture/demo setting where all the observers can see and learn the techniques.  As Andrew critiques the tree, the bonsai owner may choose to have him perform the work at that time or use the advice given to complete the work themselves.   Registration will start at 6:00 pm and the program will start at 6:30.  The cost is $5 (Free for LBS members) for registration and $10 for each bonsai to be worked on.  The more you participate the more you will learn.   To help us setup the seating arrangement, please RSVP to Lowell Tilley 225-241-2396 or e-mail lowelltilley@gmail.com.   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Next Louisiana Bonsai Society Meeting

The next LBS meeting is Tuesday 7:00 PM, August 20, at the Baton Rouge Garden Center, 7950 Independence Blvd.  Lowell Tilley will do a program on crepe myrtle bonsai.

Mark your calendar for the next bonsai lecture / workshop sponsored by Lone Stat Bonsai Federation.  It will be September 4, 6:30 PM at the Baton Rouge Garden Center.  The Bonsai expert will be Andrew Robson from Portland Organ, his website is https://www.rakuyobonsai.com/treesMore details to follow.
Please bring some of your bonsai to the next meeting for show, tell, and learn.  We will discuss any bonsai you bring.  We will have a swap table, so bring something to swap.  Some of us have more starter bonsai material than we need or material we tried of working on. So just bring your excess pre-bonsai material to the meeting and put it on the table to trade for something you prefer or to give away.  Our mission is to help each other anyway we can with our bonsai, to learn more bonsai techniques, and to enjoy the hobby of bonsai.
The Louisiana Bonsai Society is a not for profit organization open to all who are interested in the hobby of bonsai.  Guests are welcome, for more information call Lowell Tilley, 225-272-6744 or email lowelltilley@gmail.com   I am also offering bonsai classes, contact me if you would like to participate.

Please send any suggestions for programs to Robert Reed, rareed@loyno.edu or Lowell Tilley, lowelltilley@gmail.com   your input is very important