Sunday, December 30, 2018

Mid-Winter Workshop

Mid-Winter Workshop
Baton Rouge Garden Center
7950 Independence Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA

Friday January 18, 2019
Bonsai Workshop 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Workshop $30 (LBS members $25)..  Limited to 8 participants.  Supper social to follow $12.
Demonstration by Mr. David DeGroot 5:00

Saturday, January 19, 2019
Bonsai Workshop 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Workshop $45 (LBS members $35).  Limited to 8 participants. Lunch $12. Observer $10 (LBS members-Free)
Bonsai Workshop 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Workshop $40 (LBS members $30). Limited to 8.  Supper social $12.  Observer $10 (LBS members-Free)

Sunday January 20, 2019
Bonsai Program 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
Workshop $30 (LBS Members $25). Limited to 8 participants. Lunch $12. Observer $10 (LBS members-Free)
Raffle of Demonstration Tree 12:00
Raffle tickets are $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets.  Need not be present to win.

Featured Artist and Workshop Leader

Mr. David DeGroot
LBS welcomes back David DeGroot.  He has been practicing bonsai for nearly fifty years.  David De Groot is Curator Emeritus of the Pacific Bonsai Museum in Federal Way, WA where he served as managing curator for 25 years. He is an award-winning designer and author, who has been studying and practicing bonsai since 1972.
He has studied bonsai in Japan with Yasuo Mitsuya at Tokai-en Bonsai Nursery. He studied satsuki (azaleas) with Tatemori Gondo and Hayata Nakayama at Suisho Nakayama Nursery, and formal bonsai display with Uhaku Sudo. at Chikufu-en Bonsai Nursery.
His educational journal articles have been published throughout the U.S. and in eight other countries, and he is author of two books published by the American Bonsai Society - Basic Bonsai Design and Principles of Bonsai Design, now in its second printing.
David travels widely to lecture, and has presented programs on five continents. He is active with several bonsai organizations in the Puget Sound area and serves as Secretary for Bonsai Clubs International.

Dave is an excellent teacher who understands growing bonsai in Gulf Coast Climate.  We decided he was too good for just a one day program and one club, so we extended it to three days and are inviting other bonsai club members to participate.  This a convention quality event, at club prices.

The workshops are customized to fulfill the needs of accomplished bonsai artist or members just starting to learn about bonsai. The workshops are multi-species, bring your own tree workshops.  If you don’t have a tree, we have some starter material you can purchase at cost.  Just checkout the list and if you don’t see what you want, I will help you find the material you are looking for.  We will have some accomplished bonsai artists to assist Dave with beginners so the workshop doesn’t get held back by some of the basics.

Monday, December 3, 2018

LBS Christmas Party Tuesday 6:00 PM, December 18

The next Louisiana Bonsai Society (LBS) meeting will be Tuesday December 18, 6:00 PM, at the Baton Rouge Garden Center, 7950 Independence Blvd.  The next meeting will be the Christmas Party and we plan to have a jolly time.  Please bring your favorite snack or desert to share, the club will provide a sandwich tray, fruit tray, and drinks.  Happy hour (setup) will start at 6:00 and the meeting will start at 7:00.  The program will be a slide show